Pizza for the Kornwestheim Kindergarten Sports Festival

Once again this year, robos-labels supported the Kornwestheim Kindergarten Sports Festival, organized by the city of Kornwestheim and local sports clubs, by donating pizzas for nearly 350 preschoolers from the kindergartens of Kornwestheim and Pattonville. The children, along with their teachers, gathered at the Kornwestheim Stadium for the traditional opening parade. After a group dance, … Read more

Kornwestheim rocks! supported by robos-labels

Robbie Williams, Iron Maiden, Tina Turner, U2, Bob Marley – tribute bands of five different artists and bands visited Kornwestheim this year again and interpreted the music of their idols in a deceptively realistic way. For several weeks, the guests flocked to the market place near the city hall tower on Tuesday evenings to enjoy … Read more

Robos-labels supports “Kornwestheim rockt!”

Once again robos-labels participates in this successful series of events as a bronze sponsor. Throughout August concerts took place weekly on the city square of Kornwestheim. According to the slogan “Kornwestheim rocks”, a colorful mixture of different tribute bands, recreating famous bands to perfection, came on the stage at the city park lake. Contrary to … Read more

Robos-labels donates 60 party pizzas for the kindergarten sports festival

Fun and games in sunshine at the stadium The kindergarten sports festival 2022 in the Kornwestheim stadium was a great success. With 354 children from 28 institutions with municipal, church or private sponsorship a city of Kornwestheim has set a new record. At the movement stations the children could prove their skills and contribute their … Read more

Humor helps healing

Hospital clowns delight patients Robos-labels has supported the 18. charity concert of the Lions Club Ludwigsburg in favor of clown visits in Ludwigsburg hospital with a donation. The net proceeds go to the foundation “Humor hilft heilen” (humor helps healing). The concert took place on March 14th 2022 in Forum in Ludwigsburg. The Music Corps … Read more

Aid campaign for people in Ukraine

Robos-labels joins the arthelps initiative Within two days robos-labels has sent several pallets with donated relief aid to the collecting station.Moreover, a full pallet with food and hygiene products has been ordered from a wholesale market, brought to the collecting station of arthelps directly, and from there transported to the crisis area. The donations in … Read more

Dancing connects passion & technology

Robos-labels supports associations and is a long-term sponsor of TanzSport-Zentrum Stuttgart-Feuerbach e.V. (center for dancing and sports in Stuttgart-Feuerbach, registered association) “A dance is the hidden language of a soul” Martha Graham Marco Ziga & Melody Badt, Vize-Deutscher Meister Junioren Standard und Latein Das Tanzsportzentrum Stuttgart war Gewinner des “Grünen Bandes” der Commerzbank im Jahr … Read more

Nationality: human

Robos-labels supports Ecumenical Arbeitskreis Asyl Kornwestheim (asylum working group) With a regular donation robos-labels supports the activities of volunteers for the refugees living in Kornwestheim. Uncomplicated and fast help The volunteers help in most different ways. This includes the help for managing daily life, learning offers, excursions and events, accompanying for visiting authorities and doctors, … Read more

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Fax: +49 (0) 7154 / 8225–22

Customer service

Robos GmbH & Co.KG
Im Moldengraben 47
70806 Kornwestheim