Dual study program at robos-labels and at abk Stuttgart

Lasse completed his dual study program in the field of business administration at robos-labels in 2019 and then began studying at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design.

He is still part of the team as a freelancer at robos-labels. He primarily focuses on photography, events and internal communication and contributes a lot of creative input to the company’s marketing. We asked him about his career path and his dual study program at robos‑labels.

Which dual study program have you completed and why have you chosen this one?

I initially studied business administration, specializing in media and communication management, again with a focus on advertising and market communication. At robos-labels, I was offered the opportunity to complete a dual study program in the marketing department and I have always been interested in this career field.

Why have you chosen robos-labels for the practical part of the?

My then-dance trainer and later boss Simon Reuter had asked me if I wanted to do the dual study program at his company. I was sure that I had found the right partner for this training in him and I also found the topic of labeling very exciting.

How did you like the dual study program and did it meet your expectations?

I really enjoyed studying in Ravensburg and had a lot of fun. I quickly realized that there are many more areas in which I would like to work later on. I decided early on that I would continue my studies afterwards. The subjects that suited me the least were the business-orientated subjects, such as taxation. I liked project management and communication management.

What was the most important thing you learnt during the dual study program?

On the one hand, I was impressed by how diverse and challenging the topic of labeling is. On the other hand, that marketing and communication is not just about learning content, but also about having a feeling for something. I discovered that I have a sense of what works for a company and its employees and what doesn’t, and that it is sometimes less important to know how to carry out a SWAT analysis.

Why have you decided to study at the Stuttgart Art Academy immediately after completing your business studies?

I wanted to study something else and had the feeling that I wanted to apply to the art academy that I had known for a long time. It had a certain reputation that appealed to me. You have to have a certain amount of creativity, but it’s less important that you can draw well.

You have been studying communication design for 5.5 years. How has this changed your life?

After the very academic business studies program, I first had to get used to the fact that everything is very relaxed in art studies, that there are no deadlines and that good things sometimes take time.

On which occasions can you combine your acquired knowledge and experience from both degree programs particularly well?

My dual study program at robos-labels has given me a wealth of artistic ideas about labels and materials that I would not have had otherwise. I understand the processes of how a company and production work and am therefore several steps ahead of my fellow students. Conversely, I can contribute my artistic skills and ideas to robos-labels in visual communication and at events.

What skills do you think a communications specialist should have?

You have to understand that you should always question what the target group needs and that you use different wording and a different tonality internally than for external communication. You have to be able to empathize with other people in order to understand their needs.

You have remained loyal to robos-labels as a freelancer. Which of your strengths and skills can you contribute particularly well here?

My creativity – that I approach things differently and bring a certain freedom with me that is more tied to the workplace in a permanent position.

What artistic project are you currently working on?

We are currently working on a class project that deals with the color black. I want to print carbon briquettes in letterpress, several shades of black printed on top of each other create a very glossy effect. This has a special double effect that I really like. Color is made from carbon black. I make a master mold from the coal briquette and use it to make ashtrays. I think that’s quite funny – to ash in coal. I’m also going to animate a 4-second cartoon, creating a changing contour that returns to its original form in an endless loop. I will also give the outline to friends to print out, who will fill it in and color it with different black pens and send it back to me. You can then also compare the different black tones of the different printers.

What are your professional plans for the future?

In the very near future, I would like to open a bar for a limited period of time, as I have been dealing with the topic of events for some time now. I think that I am also very good at this and will move visually and three-dimensionally in terms of furniture, objects, communication and realization in this area. Later on, I would like to work in an event studio and also design trade fair stands.

What do you like to do in your leisure time?

I don’t know if I have that much leisure time…. When I’m not working, not in Hamburg with my girlfriend or out with my dog, I try to be creative with the things that are on my mind. But that’s limited to very little time. I really like watching football at the moment and I’m enjoying it more and more. My favorite club has always been VfB..

Has the interest in design always slumbered within you?

Yes, it started in my early childhood – I devoured and filled in coloring book after coloring book. As an only child, I was always able to join my parents’ childless circle of friends and keep myself occupied in a meaningful way.

Who did you want to be as a child?

Electrician – my dad is an electrician.

What is your motto in life?

Everything always works out somehow.

What headline would you like for your article?

My adhering life between painting and numbers.


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